Announcing RIFIDI® 3.2 Public Release, Connecting the Internet of Things with People, REST Performance Improvements, Rifidi API Extensions & Enhancements
Highlights of the RIFIDI® Edge Server Release:
- Sensor and Application Management – Extended Rifidi API features
- Platform upgrade and additions for developers/architects (Restlet 2.3.1 – Restful services)
- Tag Encoding – Added ability to encode user memory, EPC, passwords
- LLRP updates – Get Run-time Reader and ROSpec Configuration ,
- RESTful performance enhancements
- SDK – Optimized Rifidi RSSI service
- Few key bug fixes
- Backward compatibility with RIFIDI 1.3 and 2.x , 3.x applications & solutions
- Full RIFIDI 3.2 release notes
Candidate features for next release (based on clients, community, projects, forums, collaboration, partnerships)
- Floor plan/Google Map sensor management dashboard
- Integration with visualizations/dashboards/analytic Tools
- Rifidi application designer interface
- Pure configurable Rifidi Apps (No Coding required)
- Rifidi App marketplace
- Rifidi App provisioning enabled via OSGi P2 infrastructure
- Out of the box integration/support for IoT partner products
- Support for other Java IDEs such as NetBeans
- Framework upgrades/additions (Spring, Maven and Provisioning)
- Further security integration
- Additional features based on suggestions from community
Announcing RIFIDI® 3.1 Public Release
Transcends is proud to announce the RIFIDI® 3.1 Public Release with the goal of Connecting the Internet of Things (IoT) with People”. The release was made possible through client implementations, the RIFIDI open source community feedback, surveys, forums and our dedicated Global engineering team.
Accelerate your IoT Adoption with RIFIDI®. .Connect your RFID reader and sensor network.. Analyze you sensor information real-time and over time. Optimize your business processes. Integrate with the enterprise. Differentiate your products, solutions and organization.
The release positions Transcends and the RIFIDI community to continue to bring innovative sensor driven business solutions, appliances and smart devices to the marketplace through integration with how businesses, consumers and clients interact in today’s market (Web, Cloud, Big Data, Mobility). By utilizing the Power of RIFIDI®, the possibilities are boundless across many verticals (Retail, Health Care, Transportation, Manufacturing, Recreational etc..) for the types of solutions, products and services that will emerge meeting the needs from the Global Enterprise to the Local Small and Medium Size Businesses.
The key features of the release (MQTT and REST) enable easy, seamless and lightweight sensor management and integration with associated events/rules (via Rifidi Apps)
Highlights of the RIFIDI® Edge Release
- Sensor and Application Management – Exposed the Rifidi API via REST enabling users/applications/devices to more dynamically manage sensors/RFID readers and trigger sensor events
- Edge Monitoring – Sensor/Reader Statistics, Memory, CPU, JVM, OSGI Monitoring via REST
- Edge Messaging – The Edge Server is now bundled with the lightweight messaging broker MQTT widely used within IoT. Applications can now publish and subscribe to Rifidi Messaging Events such as an event trigger by a Rifidi Readzone Monitoring Service (Also applies to other out of the box RIFIDI® Services and Custom Events)
- Rifidi App Run-time Configuration (via REST) – Ability to get/set/add/delete Application Properties and Readzones dynamically runtime
- OSGi P2 infrastructure in support of dynamic provisioning
- Fail-over Configuration – via Primary/Secondary Rifidi Edge Nodes
- Platform Upgrades and additions for Developers/Architects (Esper 5.0- Event Engine, Moquette .4 – MQTT Messaging Broker, Restlet 2.2.1 – Restful Services, Jolokia – Restful/JMX Bridge used for Monitoring, AWS 1.9.0)
- Tag Encoding – Ability to Encode RFID Tags via REST (EPC, Access/Kill Passwords, Locking)
- LLRP Updates – Ability to Inject Dynamic LLRP Configurations via REST, Performance Enhancements/Fixes
- New Sensor/Reader Adapter – Convergence Systems Limited CS203
- SDK – Rifidi Services App Jumpstart, MQTT App Jumpstart, RESTApp Jumpstart
- Few Key Bug Fixes
Backward Compatibility with RIFIDI 1.3 and 2.x , 3.x Applications/Solution - Full RIFIDI 3.1 Release Notes
Candidate Features for next release (based on Clients, Projects, Forums, Collaboration, Partnerships)
- Floor plan/Google Map Sensor Management Dashboard
- Integration with Visualizations/Dashboards/Analytic Tools
- Rifidi Application Designer Interface
- Pure Configurable Rifidi Apps (No Coding required)
- Rifidi App Market Place
- Rifidi APP provisioning enabled via OSGi P2 infrastructure
- Out of the Box Integration/Support for IoT Partner Products
- Support for other Java IDEs such as NetBeans
- Framework Upgrades/Additions (Spring, Maven and Provisioning)
- Further Security Integration
- Additional features based on suggestions from community
Rifidi 3.1 Architecture Overview
Better Understanding the Real Value in the Internet of Things (IoT)
Author: Brian P Pause – Co-founder of Transcends and Rifidi
The scope of the Internet of Things ecosystem is rapidly evolving to be comprised of Machine to Machine (M2M) communication, Smart Devices, Wearables, Sensors/RFID, BigData/Analytics/Visualizations and low cost computing (embedded and Cloud). This is all well and good but what does this mean in terms of the real value? There have been many articles as of late discussing the market size and revenue potential but in my opinion value goes beyond a quantifiable amount (such as dollars and size)
The noun form of value is defined as “the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something. “
To understand real value using this definition one needs to take the time to understand why would people (organization, customer, employee, friend) care to get to the real value of IoT?
In conversations I have participated in and research I have performed the real value appears to align these categories
- The New Business Model Opportunities
- The potential realized productivity and efficiency gains
- The increased quality of life
- The new insights into data driven by analytics
Examples of these can be seen by current and near term happenings in the market around IoT.
Wearables being used by people to monitor ones health and day to day activities soon integrating with the retail medical facilities being setup at places like Walmart.
Automation of factories and workflows previously requiring manual labor and human intervention driving productivity and efficiency .
Sensor data such as wifi, beacons, rfid, mobile devices being used by retailers to better understand consumer behavior through analytics tools like Tableau and ClickView (to name a few).
And not to far completely new business models such as drones delivering orders from Amazon or new business for the matter when the complete business/organization is developed and enabled through the use of IoT
Yes the ultimate desired outcome is growing market share and revenue. But ultimately taking the time to understand the real value in IoT will ensure you realize the near and long term potential.
Transcends’ Summer 2014 Newsletter. RIFIDI® Edge 3.1 Coming Soon
Transcends is currently developing RIFIDI® Edge 3.1 along with Product and Solutions Updates based on community, customer and partner feedback.
The High Level Goals are to provide a richer interface and ease of use for managing sensors/reader devices and RIFIDI applications.
Target Release: Fall 2014
RIFIDI® Edge 3.1 Candidate Features: (Click here to nominate features and provide feedback on the RIFIDI roadmap )
- Core Framework Upgrades (Esper 5.x – Event Processing Engine,)
- Integration with Rifidi Edge API through Restful Services (such as add/remove/start/stop//update reader/senor(s) )
- Provision Rifidi applications / plugins from remote / cloud repositories (leveraging OSGi P2 Repositories as foundation for a RFID/Sensor Application Market Place)
- Richer device management interface such as integration with Google maps / floor plan layouts
- Richer SDK Interface for developing Sensor Adapters, Rifidi applications and Rifidi services
- Develop Rifidi applications on other IDEs (in addition to Eclipse such as NetBeans)
- Include custom LLRP tag report information in generic way
- Convergence Systems Limited (CSL) Reader support
- Java 64 bit support
- Primary / secondary node failover support
Internet of Things (IoT) Model: Where is Your Organization and How RIFIDI® Can Accelerate
recently attended the RFID Journal Live 2014 event in Orlando, FL and one messaging shift I observed this year was how the RFID industry was starting to align themselves with the Internet of Things (IoT).
I figured it would be a good idea to provide a framework for how we at Transcends perceive IoT from a maturity model perspective and how the Rifidi platform can help accelerate one’s adoption.
Basically the model steps one through how organizations can benchmark where they currently stand across their products and services and think through a roadmap on how to continue to grow and mature.
The model starts with the concept of devices/machines/things are connected with the ability to communicate. Next these machines are capable of being serviced via these connections. As machines are serviceable one can now move into the space of analyzing the data to provide business insights and predictions. These data streams can be leveraged to optimize existing business processes and provide a foundation for new use cases. Finally organizations can be in the position to differentiate products and services providing a competitive advantage and new business models
How does the Rifidi platform fit and add value.
Simply put, RIFIDI® connects your RFID reader and sensor network, Analyzing sensor information real-time and over time, Optimizing business processes and Integrating with the enterprise. Ultimately, Differentiating your products, solutions and organization.
- Connected: Rifidi connects many different RFID readers out of the box, and allows to extend connectivity to any sensors utilizing the sensor API.
- Serviceable – Rifidi also provides the required infrastructure for maintaining connectivity, custom define connectivity and dynamically configure based on business and infrastructure events.
- Intelligence: Rifidi utilizes a rules engine to turn sensor data into business events integration with your Big Data and Analytics Strategy
- Optimized: Rifidi integrates with business processes and existing systems in various ways: Cloud, Databases, WebServices, JMS etc.
- Differentiated: A Rifidi system offers many out-of-the box components accelerating 80% of your solution but is also highly customizable via Rifidi SDK using technology standards to bridge the gap on the remaining 20%.
In summary, with the growing number of RFID devices and sensors in the world the types of solutions and applications are boundless and only limited by your imagination. The real question at hand now is IF your Things could Talk what would you want them to Say?
We look forward to continue working with the RFID community to bring innovative solutions to market and continue to evolve the RIFIDI platform roadmap as IoT grows further and matures.
Note : Concepts for IoT Maturity Model were referenced from Maturity Model and Value Curve for M2M and IOT
RIFIDI® Edge Platform 3.0
Transcends Announces RIFIDI® Edge Platform 3.0 Public Release – Accelerate your Internet of Things (IoT) Adoption
“Connecting the Internet of Things with People (Web, Cloud, Big Data, Mobility). Smart Sensors. Smarter Applications. Simpler Solutions.
Follow us on Linkedin and Twitter
Transcends is announcing the RIFIDI® 3.0 Major Public Release with the goal of Connecting the Internet of Things (IoT) with People”. The release was made possible through client implementations, the RIFIDI open source community feedback, surveys, forums and our dedicated Global engineering team.
Accelerate your IoT Adoption with RIFIDI®. by Connecting your RFID reader and sensor network, Analyzing sensor information real-time and over time, Optimizing business processes and Integrating with the enterprise. Ultimately, Differentiating your products, solutions and organization.
The release positions Transcends and the RIFIDI community to continue to bring innovative sensor driven business solutions, appliances and smart devices to the marketplace through integration with how businesses, consumers and clients interact in today’s market (Web, Cloud, Big Data, Mobility). By utilizing the Power of RIFIDI®, the possibilities are boundless across many verticals (Retail, Health Care, Transportation, Aerospace etc..) for the types of solutions, products and services that will emerge meeting the needs from the Global Enterprises to the Local Small and Medium Size Businesses.
RIFIDI® Release Highlights
Extended Read Zone Filtering with RSSI – Leveraging RIFIDI Services included in the SDK
Dynamic Reader Configuration – Run-time Updates to Reader Configurations based on Business and Infrastructure Events
Advanced Read Zone Filtering – included in the SDK
Platform Upgrades – Esper 4.11 – Event Engine and Equinox KeplerSR2 -OSGI Container
Support for Java 8
Few Key Bug Fixes
Backward Compatibility with RIFIDI 1.3 and 2.x Applications
Current Products and Solutions
RIFIDI Platform – Rifidi Edge Server – Accelerate your IoT Adoption with RIFIDI®.
Business Solutions – Asset Tracking, Inventory Management, Inventory Control w/ Handheld User Interface – Pricing Available on Product Website
Appliance – RIFIDI Pi Embedded Appliance
Appliance – RIFIDI Box Appliance
Solutions – Smart Sensor UHF Gen2
Transcends Product and Feature Comparison Matrix – Powered by RIFIDI- Excel Format PDF Format
Thank you for all the contributions and support. We look forward to continue to work with the RFID Community to bring innovative and business value solutions to the market.
Transcends Product Development Team
August 2013 – Transcends Announces the RIFIDI Edge Platform 2.2 Release – RFID App Development Made Simple Leveraging the RIFIDI Platform.
June 2013 – The Transcends Products & Solutions are Easy as 1-2-3
May 2013 – RFID Solutions – News Ways of Providing Value to Business and Consumers
March 2013 –RIFIDI Product Roadmap – The New Internet = People + Things = Internet Ecosystem
November 2012 – RIFIDIi 2.0 Major Release – Connecting the Internet of Things with People
May 2012 – Leverage Transcends Global Marketplace
September 2011 – RFID, Recession, Globalization are crossing roads – With Challenges are Opportunities
May 2011 – RIFIDI Edge Sever Scalability and Performance Benchmarks
December 2010 – Definition of a RFID Edge Server