Use this end-to-end solution to develop next generation smart appliances and collect UHF Gen2 information you can publish to the cloud, social media and/or databases.   This choice is ideal he next generation smart devices situations like appliances, kiosks, store fronts and recreation. Just plug it in, configure it and start collecting UHF Gen2 information. You can publish to the cloud, social media and/or database, and you can even integrate sensor data with your legacy information.

At Transcends, our mission is to make RFID implementations simple. All our Business Solutions are now available on Windows and Linux. Details on pricing and product specifications are below. Comprehensive end-to-end solutions and pre-built solution components ensure quick turnarounds and maximize your ROI. If you have a new business problem, or if you need help building a customized business solution, please contact us.

Download the Smart Sensor UHF Gen2 brochure here

There Are Two Options!

      1. The Smart Sensor UHF Gen2 Development Kit (includes Rifidi EmbeddedRifidi PiThinkify TR-65, USB Cable and PI USB Micro Power Supply) is great for jumpstarting your next smart sensor device. The TR-65 is FCC approved. – Price $995 + shipping.
      1. The Smart Sensor UHF Gen2 Solution (includes Rifidi EmbeddedRifidi  Pi w/casingThinkify TR-200 Series (recent version is the tr-265) w/desktop ready enclosure,  USB Cable,  PI USB Micro Power Supply and FCC Approved) is great for deploying a desktop-based smart sensor solution. Price: $1,195 + Shipping


“When developing our RFID system we worked closely with Transcends RIFIDI who provided us with great advice and an interface between the reader and our database. As we were new to RFID it was very helpful to work with a company that provided personal support. It was also very important for us to have a customized solution for our exact needs. With the RIFIDI interface in place we began field testing our RFID system and it worked very well. We achieved multiple tag reads at speeds far higher than a mountain biker could achieve in a mountain bike park.”

David GrimsdellSniper Action Photo, Head of Operations

“Over the past year we have been leveraging Transcends consulting services and support to deliver a RFID tool crib solution using the Rifidi Box product for one of our Fortune 50 customers. The solution has proven to be critical in both enabling business process improvements in managing high value tools within the facility as well as demonstrating to business senior management the value RFID can bring to future implementations across business units.”

Jonathan GregoryRFID Program Manager for a Fortune 500 consulting company

“We are very excited about the new Rifidi Edge 1.2 release and its enhanced support of the Impinj Speedway Revolution and Speedway xPortal RFID readers through the industry-standard EPCglobal Low Level Reader Protocol. We continue to see an increasing number of Impinj customers around the world building integrated business solutions on top of this innovative open source platform.”

Daniel BowmanSenior Project Manager, Impinj

“We’ve been using Rifidi suite for a while now, and it has not only helped us a lot as an emulating tool, but it has also proved to be an easy and reliable middleware. We started off using Rifidi Emulator for our development cycles and then starting using Rifidi Edge Server. Instead of long and complicated adjustments to what we thought was our own middleware, we decided to switch to Rifidi Edge Server”.

Daniel GomezProject Manager, IDlink

UbiU says it expects to leverage Pramari’s software for tracking customers, clothes and jewelry for inventory, management, and sales applications. “As the Korean RFID market is growing, so is the demand for middleware in various industries,” UbiU sales manager Brian Son said in a prepared statement. “Many companies are reluctant to buy costly solutions and will find Pramari’s open-source products very attractive. Middleware will soon become a must have in every RFID system. UbiU is actively promoting Pramari’s Rifidi product and preparing sales activities.”

Brian SonSales Manager, UbiU