Entries by Brian Pause

Transcends Announces Rifidi Edge Integration with Cloud Computing and Social Media

Transcends now delivers to the Rifidi Community integration with Cloud and Social Media Jumpstarting your Sensor Solutions Through numerous responses to our Rifidi Product Roadmap Survey we have delivered several jumpstarts for your Sensor based Solutions: Rifidi Edge Social Media Integration Jumpstart Rifidi Edge Cloud Computing Integration Jumpstart Rifidi Edge Database Integration Jumpstart + example application As the […]

Transcends Announces Update to Rifidi Edge Server 1.3.1

What’s new: Transcends Now Offers Extended Rifidi Consulting and Support for your Solution –  Our Team and Partner Community can help… Looking to prepare a Demostration/prototype of you hardware and need a richer solution Want to turn your idea into a Business Solution you can bring to the Global marketplce Have a business problem and need to […]

Transcends Officially Releases Rifidi Edge 1.3 to Public – News Release

Global Leader in RFID Open Source Solutions –  Delivering Sensor based Business Solution for the Next Generation Better, Faster and Cost Effective The Rifidi Edge 1.3 Release includes updates to the latest version of Spring 3.0.5 and Esper 4 (The open source sensor event processlng language). These updates have show in performance testing  3x increase in […]

RFID, Recession and Globalization Are Crossing Roads … With Challenges Are Opportunities

More than ever I now realize the importance of learning from life’s sessions.  Who could have ever predicted in the past 10 years we would have globalized as much as we have and in the past three years have been faced with the most challenging economic conditions in all our generations. As part of my […]

Rifidi Edge Server Scalability and Performance Supported By Retail Scenarios

by Mychal Capozzi (RIT Rifidi Coop/Undergrad Comp Sci) and Matt Dean (Rifidi Lead Software Engineer)

This document will give an overview of some basic scalability and performance data for Rifidi Edge and Rifidi Box Appliance Methodology: Four tests were run on different levels of hardware to test the load that the Rifidi Edge v1.2 could handle […]

Rifidi Edge Server Product Distribution Sine 10/2009 Release: Over 10,000 Downloads Across 119 Countries

  Country Downloads 1. China 2,616 2. Brazil 1,063 3. India 898 4. United States 769 5. Italy 311 6. Germany 230 7. France 213 8. Spain 211 9. Colombia 194 10. United Kingdom 162 11. Canada 145 12. Malaysia 145 13. Korea 137 14. Taiwan 133 15. Venezuela 117 16. Thailand 111 17. Portugal […]

RFID Middleware: Build vs. Buy

Early on in any IT project architects need to decide which software
products best solve their business problems. “Build versus Buy”, and if
“Buy” what are the best and most efficient products. In principal any IT
problem could be solved and coded using even Assemblers. In the early
90s, people used C/C++ for their early internet systems. Yes, no […]